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The High Conflict Co-Parenting Podcast

Apr 28, 2023

In this episode Brook and Tony take another look at parenting and the importance of attainment with your children and the special attention that is essential to building as strong sense of self and self esteem in you kids. This Episode is directed at all parents not just those in High Conflict and not just a parallel...

Apr 21, 2023

In this episode Brook and Michelle discuss how the process of conflict as it unfolds as a condition of anxiety and often a want for expediency with one or both parties. Brook and Michelle discuss how using Mind Mapping and the exploration of all aspects of the situation, (although it may take more time) and by using a...

Apr 7, 2023

In this episode Brook and Michelle discuss the Blind Spots that arise from having unrealistic expectations about the other parents reactions to a given situation. These unrealistic expectations often can be expose early, prior to making critical mistakes if there is a sense making process put in place, one that uses...